Marilyn Wagner
Michelle Wahlen
Joseph R. Walsh
Walter James and Barbara M. MacGinnitie Family Fund
Sister Karen Walther
Dr. Janie M. Washington and William C. Marshall
Dr. Wendy A. Weaver
Barbara and Fredric Weber
Hannelore and John Weber
Miss Jordan M. Weber
Laura and Erik Weber
Ms. Linda C. Weber
Michelle and Michael Weber
David Wegener
Cynthia and John Weigel
Sister Sandra A. Weinke SSND
Ms. Jane Weinstein
Christine and Ron Weiss
Michael and Carol Weiss
Allison Weitekamp
Jill Wellman
Mrs. Christine M. Welter
Mrs. Ann L. Wesolowski
Ms. Judith A. Westergard
Andrea and Jonathan White
Katherine M. Wicker
Adam Wilbur
Mary and Joseph Wilde
Lena Wilder
Jacqueline and George Wilke
Miss Carissa D. Wilks
Tierra Williams
Elaine and Kenneth Willis
Kathleen and Don Wilson
Margaret and Michael Wilson
Ms. Susan K. Winans
Christine and Gary Winek
Renee and Danny Wink
Lane and James Winstead
Evonne M. Winston
Carol and Kevin Witt
Jeanne and John Wittmann
Marianne Wnek
Thomas Woehrle
Eve Lynne Wojahn
Mrs. Linda Wolfe
Elizabeth Wolter
Barbara and Wayne Wright
Phyllis J. Wrobbel
Ms. Jo Anne Wroblewski
Christine and James Wunderlin
Mary Ann and Ronald Wunderlin
Margaret Wyszynski