
The all-women's advantage

Mount Mary women graduate with more than just powerful degrees.

Here, you'll develop the confidence and skillsets to create a more meaningful life, and to actively live out your education.

Your Mount Mary professors and classmates will lift you up and celebrate your ambitions. You’ll be able to develop your ideas, identity and confidence in a uniquely empowering environment that's only possible at a women's college.

Six reasons to choose a women's university

1. Students develop higher levels of self-esteem and confidence.

Women’s colleges provide an enriching, inclusive environment where women thrive. As a result, graduates tend to be more successful in their chosen fields and are nearly twice as likely to earn graduate degrees compared to their public university peers.


“When I’m in classroom discussions I definitely take more of a lead than I have in the past. That really speaks to my comfortability and how supportive my classmates are.”

Emily Blazer ’24, English Education

2. A focus on women empowerment and social justice.

Getting more than just an education, the social justice focus of women’s universities prepares students to confront real issues, during college and post-graduation.

“Students Achieving Leadership through Spanish Activities (SALSA) is one of the groups on campus that really goes out of its way to make positive change in the community. They fight for Black Lives Matter, deportation issues - there isn’t a social justice issue that they won’t stand up for or address.”

Taylor Robinson ’23, Psychology

3. A unique student population.

Women’s colleges are markedly more diverse and inclusive than coed colleges and universities. Women's colleges enroll a higher percentage of students of color (55% of Mount Mary students identify as ethnically diverse), enroll nearly three times as many non-traditional students, and educate a higher percentage of low-income students (43% compared to 32%)

Source: Collegewise Guide to Women’s Colleges (Feb. 2021)


“I love learning more about other students’ cultures and backgrounds - it helps me realize more about myself as well. Being surrounded by diverse opinions has helped me open my mindset and build respect for everyone else.”

Jaqui Reyes ‘22 Biology - Health Sciences

4. Smaller class size means greater access to professors.

Mount Mary enrolls approximately 640 undergraduate students. Our campus' personal environment provides students a greater opportunity for developing close relationships with instructors and peers. 

“Because of Mount Mary’s smaller class sizes I don’t feel anxious asking questions or speaking up. It’s very comforting, especially in the science classroom environment.”

Kara Speakman ’23, Biology - Health Sciences

5. Greater emphasis on math and science.

Women’s schools see an increased interest in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) majors among their students. 23% of Mount Mary students are majoring in STEM programs; representation that will go a long way toward achieving equity in a male-dominated field.


“Each of my science classes offers an opportunity for hands-on learning. It’s been cool to learn how complex the human body is by working with live dissection software and life-size body models."

Yesenia Mata ’22, Nursing 1-2-1

6. Female leadership is visible and fostered .

Mount Mary University President, Dr. Isabelle Cherney, leads a full-time female faculty of nearly 90%, creating a noticeable female force on campus. MMU students have numerous opportunities, including competitive scholarships, to pursue and develop leadership roles both in and out of the classroom.  

“I’m a member of TriBeta, the vice-president of Asian Student Organization, and last year I co-founded a chapter of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship on campus. If I had chosen a bigger, coed university I feel like I certainly wouldn’t have accomplished as much in or outside of class. Coming here has been a great blessing.”

Trisha Xiong ’22 Biology - Health Sciences

Famous Graduates of All-Women's Universities

Stacey Abrams (Spelman College HBCU) Politician, Attorney, Voting Rights Activist
Madeleine Albright (Wellesley College)  First Female United States Secretary of State
Benazir Bhutto (Saint Catherine’s College) Former Prime Minister of Pakistan
Ana Brashares (Barnard College) Author
Hillary Clinton (Wellesley College) Politician, Diplomat, Attorney
Gloria Johnson Powell (Mount Holyoke College) Civil Rights Activist, Child Psychiatrist
Pamela Melroy (Wellesley College) NASA Astronaut
Diane Sawyer (Wellesley College) Broadcast Journalist
Gloria Steinem (Smith College) Feminist, Journalist, Social Political Activist
Meryl Streep (Vassar College) Actress
Alice Walker (Spelman College HBCU) Novelist, Poet, Social Activist

Want to learn more?

To learn more about the advantages of women's colleges, check out:

EAB.com: Why Enrollment at Women’s Colleges is on the Rise
HuffPost.com: 5 Reasons Why You Should Apply to a Women's College
CollegeStats.org: Is There Still a Need for Women's Colleges?
CollegeRaptor.com: 10 Reasons to Attend a Women's College
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