Teacher talk: Retired SSND educators share stories with teachers of the future

Students from Deb Dosemagen's Instructional Assessment class conducted an oral history project, interviewing retired teachers at the Milwaukee area campus of the School Sisters of Notre Dame.

Each student was paired with a teacher who taught at the same grade level or content area. Dosemagen worked to arrange the meeting with Sister Ellen Lorenz, SSND, a former president of Mount Mary who resides at the campus.

"I was so impressed with their level of engagement, there was a real exchange," Dosemagen said.

Among the six students Christine Gill, who is working on her post-baccalaureate certificate and teaches English at Dominican High School. She is the recipient of the University's Lorenz Endowed Scholarship, given to student teachers, to be used during the student teaching semester.

At this event, she had an opportunity to meet Sister Ellen Lorenz in person.

"It was an amazing experience," Gill said. "I am humbled by the life of service that she has led. She taught high school English, and so do I. We both love and taught (teach) American literature.

"Sr. Ellen and the rest of the school sisters were an absolute delight," Gill said. "They're spunky, funny, and strong ladies, and we did a lot of laughing with them while we learned about their lives and our common experiences. We're so lucky to be associated with them."
