Exploring Theology through a Latinx lens

This summer four Mount Mary students were among a pilot cohort of undergraduates participating in the Hispanic Scholars Summer Program. Offered in collaboration with the Pasos network at Dominican University, the Hispanic Scholars Program helps shape the next generation of Latinx theological and academic leaders with a focus on culturally responsive ministry.

Maricarmen Garcia, Lizbeth Reyes-Hernandez, Mariana Batalla Romero and Bryana Juarez earned scholarships to attend the program, which covered tuition for a three-credit summer class as well as a travel stipend that allowed the students to attend opening and closing events.

The class, U.S. Latinx Theology and Cultura: Imagining Teología Latinamente!, was co-taught by Dr. Claudia Herrera-Montero (assistant professor of theology at Dominican University) and Andrew Mercado (director of university ministry at Dominican University). Although primarily an online format, the summer term began with a three-day, in-person kick off event hosted by Villanova University in Philadelphia and ended with an August wrap up at Dominican University in Chicago, where students presented their final projects.

Maricarmen Garcia, a senior majoring in justice and minoring in history at Mount Mary, was encouraged by her professors to apply. Although Garcia didn't initially know what to expect, she was surprised by an experience that she describes as "overwhelmingly positive."

As a first-generation student of immigrant parents, Garcia felt that the class's focus on the Latinx experience resonated in a very personal way.

"The professors were so warm and encouraging" she said. "They took real world issues into account - we talked about issues of justice, history and psychology, and looked at how the struggles faced by migrants affect communities. It brought these issues to life in a very real way."

Garcia offered advice to other students considering applying for the program.

"Don't think twice," she stated emphatically. "Take the opportunity."

The Hispanic Scholars Program celebrates its Hispanic Scholars Program organization celebrates its 35th anniversary in 2024. The undergraduate summer program is open to students across the country, although priority is given to students whose university/college is affiliated with the PASOS Network at Dominican University. To apply for this program or to learn more about recommending a student, please visit https://hispanicscholarsprogram.org