Post-baccalaureate Certificate in Biochemistry

Mount Mary University offers a biochemistry post-baccalaureate certificate to women who have already completed a bachelor's degree.

Certificate Requirements

Credits required: 36 credits. Consult the Undergraduate Bulletin and Curriculum Guides list for more details on the requirements and courses for this certificate.

Required Biology courses:

  • BIO 100 Introduction to Cell and Molecular Biology and Lab
  • BIO 102 Introduction to Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Lab
  • BIO 337 Genetics and Lab

 Required Chemistry courses:

  • CHE 113 General Chemistry I and Lab
  • CHE 114 General Chemistry II and Lab
  • CHE 222 Instrumental Quantitative Analysis and Lab
  • CHE 333 Organic Chemistry I and Lab
  • CHE 352 Biochemistry I and Lab
  • CHE 416 Biochemistry II and Lab

Take the Next Step

To learn more about the chemistry post-baccalaureate certificate program, contact the Admission Office. You can apply online using the Undergraduate Post-baccalaureate Certificate/Second Degree Application.

Learn more about the School of Arts and Sciences.