Pre-Professional Programs

Pre-Professional Programs

Create a path to becoming a chiropractor, doctor, dentist, lawyer, nurse or veterinarian through Mount Mary University’s pre-professional programs. Our pre-professional programs are not specific majors, but the programs ensure you take a challenging and rigorous curriculum that will prepare you to take entrance exams for professional and post-baccalaureate studies.

Become a Lawyer

Mount Mary’s pre-law program provides you access to a pre-law adviser who will guide you on your path to applying for law school and becoming a lawyer. You will meet with your pre-law adviser at least once each semester to ensure you complete courses and activities that help you prepare for law school.

Most pre-law students choose to major in justice, but other popular majors include: history, English, business, international studies or philosophy. Learn more about the pre-law program.

Become a Medical Professional

Mount Mary offers a health sciences curriculum that prepares you for graduate study to become a chiropractor, dentist, doctor, optometrist or veterinarian. Both the biology and chemistry majors offer a health sciences track to prepare you to take the Medical College Admission Test (MCAT), Dental Admission Test (DAT) or Graduate Record Exam (GRE).

Learn more about the health sciences curriculum for biology majors and biochemistry majors.

Pre-Professional Programs

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