Admitted Military Veterans
After you are admitted to Mount Mary University, follow these steps to complete your enrollment and ensure you receive the appropriate benefits:
What to Do to Enroll at Mount Mary
1. Complete appropriate paperwork.
All students: Complete a Veterans Information Sheet each semester that you want to use your benefits. Include a copy of your most recent certification of benefits (COB).
Undergraduate students: Submit a $50 tuition deposit to Mount Mary to make your enrollment to Mount Mary official.
Graduate students: Please review your acceptance letter for details on next steps.
2. Register for classes. Find courses and register for courses through the MyMountMary portal.
Undergraduate students: Select your new student registration date with your admission counselor. During your registration date, you will meet with an adviser to select and register for your classes.
Graduate students: Please review your acceptance letter for details on registering for classes.
3. Pay your tuition bill. After you have enrolled for classes, the Veterans Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office will submit an enrollment verification to the VA approximately 30 days before classes begin. You will receive an email confirmation. Chapter 33 and Chapter 31 tuition benefits are paid directly to the school. Other chapter tuition benefits will be paid directly to you. It is your responsibility to ensure your university bill is paid. You can pay your bill through the MyMountMary portal.
4. Purchase your textbooks from the Mount Mary Bookstore.
5. Notify the Veterans Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office if you change your class schedule. Your benefits may be impacted if you make any adjustments to your course schedule, so please contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible to avoid an over-award of GI Bill payments.
6. Notify the VA and Veterans Certifying Official in the Financial Aid Office if you change your address. If you change your address, you will need to contact both the Regional Processing Office with the VA at (888) 442-4551, as well as the Veterans Certifying Official in the Mount Mary Financial Aid Office.