Student Accommodations
Whether you're contacting Accessibility Services about accommodations for a lifelong disability, needing support with a temporary disability such as an injury or recovery from a medical procedure, or seeking assistance in learning about Accessibility Services, we can help.
You can contact Accessibility Services by:
- Emailing
- Stopping by HL124 in the Student Success Center
- Call (414) 930-3214
New to Mount Mary University? You can now apply for services online.
Accommodations and Services Provided by Mount Mary University
- Academic Accommodations such as preferential seating in class, recorded lectures, volunteer note-takers, textbooks in alternative formats, enlargements of syllabus and class handouts.
- Adaptive Technology such as dictation software, screen readers, FM System, WindowEyes, and JAWs.
- Test/Quiz Accommodations such as readers, scribes, extended testing time, calculator, and computer use in our Student Success Center.
- Housing Accommodations, including preferential room choice, the use of an Emotional Support Animal (ESA), and visual fire alarms.
The Accommodations Request Process
There are several steps to receiving accommodations for a disability at Mount Mary. They include providing documentation, establishing appropriate accommodations, communicating about accommodations. Students must allow at least 4 weeks for accommodation requests.
- Provide documentation relating to your disability.
- Meet with the Director of Accessibility Services to review your documentation, identify reasonable accommodations, and establish your Accommodation Plan.
- Communicate your Accommodations to faculty by providing faculty with a copy of your Accommodation Letter.
- You must contact Accessibility Services for an updated copy of your Accommodation Letter every semester. Accommodations can be changed, updated, or put in place at any point throughout the school year.
- A diagnostic statement identifying the disability, date of the current diagnostic evaluation, and the date of the original diagnosis
- A description of the diagnostic criteria and or diagnostic test used
- A description of the current functional impact of the disability
- Treatments, medications, assuasive devices/services currently prescribed or in use.
- A description of the expected progression or stability of the impact of the disability over time should be included
- The credentials of the diagnosing professional(s)
Should documentation from the student be inadequate or incomplete, the University reserves the right to require additional documentation. For instance, a 504 plan or Individualized Education Program (IEP) may not meet the standards listed above, but could be used as part of a comprehensive set of documentation data. The cost of providing
additional documentation will be borne by the student.
The Director of Accessibility Services can, at the student’s request, provide contact information for off campus testing services. If it is necessary for the University to request a second professional opinion, the Director will assist with the referral process. The University reserves the right to deny accommodation until all of the necessary documentation is received. Final determination of appropriate accommodations will be determined in accordance with the mandates of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act, as well as court and Department of Education/ Office of Civil Rights rulings related to these two laws. Documentation of a disability does not guarantee accommodations and services.
Emotional Support and Service Animals
Emotional Support Animal (ESA) / Service Animal
- Emotional Support Animal Policy Packet (PDF): Prospective students and current students are encouraged to contact Accessibility Services to discuss Emotional Support Animal (ESA) policies at Mount Mary. Accessibility Services can be reached at or 414-930-3214
- A service animal is trained to perform an actual service or task for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Please contact the Director of Accessibility Services for more information at or 414-930-3214
Rights and Responsibilities
Otherwise qualified students with disabilities have the following rights and responsibilities:
- Meet the academic and technical standards for the courses, programs and activities in which they wish to participate.
- Provide timely notice to the Director of Accessibility Services when an accommodation is needed.
- Provide documentation of one’s disability and the impact of the disability on the student’s participation in a course, program or activity.
- Follow all required University procedures to obtain reasonable accommodations from the University.
- Participate full or equally in the Universities’ courses, programs or activities with reasonable accommodations.
- Expect confidentiality with regard to records, including those related to disability.
Upon enrollment, Mount Mary University expects that each student will continue to demonstrate that they are otherwise qualified by meeting or exceeding the academic standards set by the institution whether or not accommodations have been requested and/or utilized.
Students who request services based on the reasonable accommodation plan developed with the Director acknowledge that some level of disclosure to certain faculty and/or staff may be necessary in order to provide requested accommodations. Students are under no obligation to disclose a disability unless an accommodation is being requested.
Concerns and Appeals
Mount Mary University is dedicated to working with students to ensure that they have equal access to all educational opportunities. If you have any issues or concerns about the accommodations we provide, or about providing accommodations, please contact our office.
Otherwise qualified students who request accommodation, according to the Universities’ published procedures for a documented disability, and who believe that reasonable accommodation(s) has been denied, may submit a written appeal of the denial to the Vice President for Student Affairs. The written appeal must be submitted within ten (10) school days of the alleged denial and identify the following:
- the date the accommodation(s) request in question was made
- identification of the student’s disability
- the accommodation(s) sought
- copies of the Accommodation Request and Accommodation Plan forms verifying the current accommodation plan.
Accessibility Services Policies
For detailed information on policies, admission, the request process, rights and responsibilities, accommodations and services provided, confidentiality and disclosure, please see:
Contact Information
You can confidentially email, call, or fax the Director of Accessibility Services. You may also schedule an individual appointment.
Office location: Student Success Center, Haggerty Library, room 124.
Phone: (414) 930-3214
Fax: (414) 930-3700