Learning Center Professional Tutors
To make an appointment with one of our professional tutors, please make an account on WCOnline. From there, you will be able to choose a tutor, see their hours and schedule the best time for you.You can access WCOnline through the link or through My Mount Mary. Click on the Campus life tab, then click on "Student Success Center" in the left sidebar. If you have any questions, email the Learning Center staff at mmu-ssc@mtmary.edu, call (414) 930-3026, or stop by the Student Success Center desk on the first floor of Haggerty Library. Walk-ins are also welcome!
Victoria Fisher-Keough |
Connie Guerrero |
Carol Julin |
Erin Gaughan |
Emily Clifford |
Alix Shaw |
S. Joanne Poehlman
Amy Brudnicki Coming Soon! Writing, Math, Science |